Thomas L. Sloan

Thomas Louis Sloan was a Native American lawyer. In 1911, he helped found the Society of American Indians.


Thomas was born in St. Louis, Missouri on May 14, 1863. His mother and father were both Native Americans At a young age, he became an orphan and lived with his paternal grandmother, Margaret Sloan. Together they lived at the Omaha Indian Reservation in Nebraska, as his family was fully from the Omaha tribe.
He was sent to the Hampton Institute in Virginia in 1886 and graduated as valedictorian in 1889. After graduating, he refused to go to Yale Law School, and instead he studied with Hiram Chase.


In 1892, he was admitted to the Nebraska Bar and specialized in cases involving Native Americans. In 1901, Sloan was elected mayor of Pender, Nebraska.
In 1904, Thomas filed a Supreme Court case concerning the rights of Native Americans. The case decided in his favor. Eight years later he opened a law office in Washington D.C., which was the first law firm owned by a Native American.