Đái Duy Ban

Đái Duy Ban is a Vietnamese professor, academician, doctor sciences, and famous medical doctor. Former Director of Institute for Applied Biochemistry at Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, he has been currently as the founder of DAIBIO Company and DAIBIO Great Traditional Medicine Family Clinic, Member of Scientific Council of the international Centre of Biocybernetic - Pacific Federation of Clinical Biochemtry, President of Vietnam Medial Biochemical Association, Director - in - Chief of Vietnam Journal of Biochemical and Medical, Rector of Van Xuan University of Technology, President of Institute Research Education and Transfer Biotechnology.


Prof.Aca.D.Sc Dai Duy Ban was born in the village of Dai, Quang Hai, Quang Xuong, Thanh Hoa Province in Vietnam.
He has been currently the Molecular Biologist with over 350 inventions about Molecular Biology that announced in several science magazines in many countries. Here is the selected valued list:
