
.cv is the country code top-level domain for Cape Verde. It is managed by the National Communications Agency. It was introduced on 21 October 1996 and initially it was managed by the Instituto Superior de Engenharia e Ciências do Mar, later it became the School of Maritime Sciences, it became a campus of the University of Cape Verde until its redelegation in August 2009 by the current National Communications Agency.
The technical manager, originally the Foundation for the National Scientific Information of Portugal transferred the rights and obligations managing the top level domains to dns.,pt, the association including the transfer of management rights by the IANA was published for the .CV in June 2014.
ANAC is part of the group LusNIC, an entity which includes top-level domains of other countries including.br,.CV,.gw,.pt,.st and.ao. This is why the.cv domain shares a part of the.pt network infrastructure, and its technical management is delegated to the DNS.PT association.
ANAC has defined the following second-level domains, each with specific target users
As of October 2017, 1,743 websites uses the domain.cv, of which 1,377 simply the domain.cv, 252 uses.com.cv, 69 uses.org.cv, 38 uses.edu.cv including all university sites such as UniCV, six using.publ.cv and one uses.net.cv. The number using.gov.cv is unknown, that is not maintained by ANAC but by the Government of Cape Verde.