
.cx is the country code top-level domain for Christmas Island. It is administered by the Christmas Island Internet Administration, through the Christmas Island Domain Administration Limited. CIIA is a community-owned non-profit company which also provides Internet service to the island's residents.
The TLD was formerly administered by Planet Three Limited, a company with offices in the United Kingdom and Australia, which went bankrupt and ceased operations, voluntarily transferring management to CIIA. The local government of Christmas Island endorsed the transfer, but the Commonwealth of Australia did not immediately approve it. Australia has since published a Memorandum of Understanding which recognizes CIIA as the legitimate manager of.cx.
The domain achieved a certain degree of notoriety when it was used for the shock site goatse.cx, to the point the CIIA was forced to take down the website following complaints by Christmas Islanders.


The.cx domain has gained popularity with cryptocurrency organizations. It has also gained much popularity with Ice Poseidon and the Cx Network.