
1000minds is a web application for decision-making and conjoint analysis supplied by 1000minds Ltd since 2002.
1000minds implements the PAPRIKA method to help business, government and non-profit users to make decisions based on considering multiple objectives or criteria. 1000minds conjoint analysis involves surveying people about their preferences with respect to the relative importance of features or attributes characterizing products or other objects of interest.
In addition, a free consumer-oriented web application based on 1000minds technology to help with ‘everyday’ decision-making, known as MeenyMo, was released in 2016.


1000minds helps with decisions that involve ranking, prioritizing or choosing between alternatives when multiple objectives or criteria need to be considered simultaneously. Depending on the application, budgets or other scarce resources can also be allocated across competing alternatives in pursuit of maximum 'value for money'.
The PAPRIKA method is used to determine the relative importance of criteria or attributes and rank alternatives. Invented by Franz Ombler and Paul Hansen at the University of Otago, the PAPRIKA method is based on pairwise comparisons, as illustrated in the accompanying image.
1000minds is also for group decision-making, involving potentially 100s or 1000s of participants – working together or individually with their results aggregated.
1000minds conjoint analysis surveys are for discovering consumers’ or other stakeholders’ preferences with respect to the relative importance – represented by ‘part-worth utilities’ or ‘weights’ – of the features or attributes characterizing products or other objects of interest.


As well as business, government and non-profit organizations, as evidenced by the citations below, 1000minds is used for research at over 180 universities worldwide, including for teaching. 1000minds and several of its applications have won or been a finalist for a number of innovation awards.
Areas in which 1000minds is used include the following notable examples.
