1625 in science
The year 1625 in science and technology involved some significant events.Chemistry
- First description of hydrogen by Johann Baptista van Helmont. First to use the word "gas".
- Johann Rudolf Glauber discovers sodium sulfate in Austrian spring water.
- June 8 – Giovanni Cassini, Italian astronomer
- March 25 – John Collins, English mathematician
- August 13 – Rasmus Bartholin, Danish scientist
- December 16 – Erhard Weigel, German mathematician and scientific populariser
- December 20 – David Gregory, Scottish physician and inventor
- Samuel Morland, English inventor
- March 7 – Johann Bayer, German uranographer
- April 7 – Adriaan van den Spiegel, Flemish-born anatomist and botanist
- May 6 – George Bruce of Carnock, Scottish coal mining engineer
- Ferrante Imperato, Neapolitan natural historian
- Willem Schouten, Dutch navigator, died at sea