1728 English cricket season

The 1728 English cricket season was the 32nd cricket season since the earliest recorded eleven-aside match was played. Details have survived of four matches with another match possibly having been played in this year.
A Swiss traveller in southern England recorded his experiences of watching cricket being played. Teams which played under the names of counties were being formed as patrons, such as Edwin Stead, Charles Lennox, 2nd Duke of Richmond and Sir William Gage sought stronger combinations to help them win

Recorded matches

Records of the following matches exist:
In several sources, a Gentlemen of Middlesex v Gentlemen of London match is listed as due to take place in Islington on 5 August. Research suggests that this match may have been played in 1729.

Other events

Swiss traveller César-François de Saussure noted in his journal the frequency with which he saw cricket being played while he was making his journeys across southern England in June. He referred to county matches as "a commonplace" and wrote that "everyone plays it, the common people and also men of rank".

First mentions
