17 (MK song)

"17" is a song by MK featuring uncredited vocals by Carla Monroe, released as a single on September 1, 2017. It peaked at number seven in the UK, making it MK's highest charting single there. The song has been included on various music compilations such as The Annual 2018 and Now 98

Music video

An official lyric video was uploaded on YouTube to MK's Vevo channel on September 1, 2017. The official music video was released to the same place two months later on November 6, 2017. As of January 1, 2020, the video has over 3,300,000 views. This video was also uploaded on Ultra Music's YouTube channel, and as of the same date, has more than 2,200,000 views.

Track listing


Weekly charts

Year-end charts


Release history