1919 Edmonton municipal election

The 1919 municipal election was held December 8, 1919 to elect a mayor and five aldermen to sit on Edmonton City Council and four trustees to sit on the public school board. T P Malone, Paul Janvrin, T S Magee, and Joseph Henri Picard were acclaimed to two-year terms on the separate school board. In the election's only plebiscite, Edmontonians rejected a proposal to pay their aldermen.
There were ten aldermen on city council, but five of the positions were already filled: Charles Hepburn, Samuel McCoppen, Henri Martin, John McKenzie, and Andrew McLennan were all elected to two-year terms in 1918 and were still in office.
There were seven trustees on the public school board, but three of the positions were already filled: Joseph Duggan, Frank Crang, and William Rea had all been elected to two-year terms in 1918 and were still in office. The same was true on the separate board, where J J Murray, Joseph Driscoll, and Joseph Gariépy were continuing.

Voter turnout

There were 11213 ballots cast out of 15378 eligible voters, for a voter turnout of 72.9%.



Public school trustees

Separate (Catholic) school trustees
