1939 City of San Francisco derailment

On August 12, 1939, the City of San Francisco train derailed outside of Harney, Nevada, killing 24 and injuring 121 passengers and crew. The derailment was caused by sabotage of the tracks. Despite a manhunt, reward offers, and years of investigation by the Southern Pacific Railroad, the case remains unsolved.


The City of San Francisco was a cross country passenger train, running from Oakland to Chicago. The train was jointly operated by three railroad companies, and the Nevada portion was operated by the Southern Pacific Railroad. The incident happened approximately east of Harney, Nevada, a rail siding along the SP main as it follows the Humboldt River through Palisade Canyon, between the towns of Beowawe and Palisade.


The City of San Francisco was bound for Oakland, California, but was running behind schedule by around half an hour. After leaving Carlin, Nevada, engineer Ed Hecox had increased the speed to to make up time. At 9:33 p.m., Hecox and his train hit a patch of rail that had been deliberately moved out of alignment and camouflaged with brown paint and a tumbleweed, derailing the westbound City of San Francisco while it crossed the #4 bridge in the Humboldt River Gorge in northern Nevada. Hecox survived and ran to the telephone at Harney to contact emergency services. Volunteers from the nearby towns of Beowawe and Carlin rushed to the scene with medical supplies, but survivors would not be taken to the hospital until a rescue train was assembled and took them to Elko the next morning. The SP tracks were out of service for several months, but the nearby tracks of the competing Western Pacific Railroad were intact and used for both the rescue trains and regular service until the SP tracks were repaired. A total of 24 people died and 121 were injured. Five cars were destroyed and written off: SF 601 Presidio, SF-602 Mission Dolores, SF-701 Embarcadero, and two sleepers, Twin Peaks and Chinatown.


In the following days, divers discovered tools in the Humboldt River, exposing the disaster as an act of sabotage. Investigators estimated it would take a strong person about an hour to move the tracks, and noted the previous train passed through the area four hours prior; Southern Pacific's lead investigator, Dan O’Connell, estimated several hours, and a reenactment for the San Francisco Chronicle the year of the derailment required four heavy tools. Southern Pacific put out a $5,000 bounty for the saboteurs, and numerous lone hobos were arrested although some investigators argued the sabotage was likely carried out by two or more people with knowledge of railroad operations, but the arrests and interrogations led nowhere.
The media coverage during the investigation proved hostile to the railroad. One of the first newspaper reporters on the scene was a photographer for the Elko Daily Free Press, who took pictures of the railroad cars dangling over the side of the bridge, in the river and tipped over. The Southern Pacific accused the paper of publishing pictures taken at angles that made the damage appear worse than it was, to which the photographer responded, "God knows, it would have been impossible to make it look worse than it was". The railroad was criticized for the amounts paid in compensation. In one case where a passenger originally bought a ticket on a coach fare train, but before boarding upgraded to the City of San Francisco, a premium fare train, the railroad only refunded the difference between the two tickets. Other papers promoted a theory that the sabotage story was a coverup to hide the railroad's negligence in allowing the engineer to operate the train at such high speed. These papers interviewed and noted that some passengers were uncomfortable with the speed of the train several minutes before it derailed; as the train rounded corners passengers had difficulty standing and some beer bottles were shaken off of tables. Despite these details, the official position of both the Southern Pacific and the Federal Bureau of Investigation remains unchanged that the train was sabotaged, noting the evidence the rails were moved and the track circuits were bypassed.
The case received new attention after the 1995 Palo Verde, Arizona derailment. One week before the Arizona derailment, the Southern Pacific Historical and Technical Society published an article about the Nevada derailment in their magazine.
In addition to both accidents occurring along Southern Pacific track, investigators noticed other similarities with the Nevada derailment, namely tracks moved on a bridge with a high embankment and bypassed track circuits so the signaling systems would not warn of a track break. These similarities and the timing of the magazine article initially led to suspicion the Arizona train wreck may have been a copycat crime of the Nevada derailment. While the FBI interviewed people involved in the publication of the magazine article, no connection between the two crimes was established, and both crimes remain unsolved.
To this day, the wreck of the City of San Francisco remains unsolved, and remains the deadliest rail disaster in Nevada.