1997 Pan Pacific Swimming Championships – Men's 100 metre butterfly

The men's 100 metre butterfly competition at the 1997 Pan Pacific Swimming Championships took place on August 12 at the NISHI Civic Pool. The last champion was Scott Miller of Australia.
This race consisted of two lengths of the pool, all in butterfly.


Prior to this competition, the existing world and Pan Pacific records were as follows:
World record52.27Atlanta, United StatesJuly 24, 1996
Pan Pacific Championships record53.07Atlanta, United StatesAugust 12, 1995


All times are in minutes and seconds.
KEY:qFastest non-qualifiersQQualifiedCRChampionships recordNRNational recordPBPersonal bestSBSeasonal best


The first round was held on August 12.
1Neil Walker53.04QA, CR
2Michael Klim53.12QA
3Nate Dusing53.13QA
4Takashi Yamamoto53.99QA
5John Hargis54.00QA
6Scott Goodman54.02QA
7Ricardo Busquets54.05QA
8Stephen Clarke54.36QA
9Edward Parenti54.48QB
10Theo Verster54.53QB
11Junya Kawakami54.64QB
12Yukihiro Matsushita55.15QB
13Steven Brown55.45QB
14Casey Barrett55.97QB
15Sergio Garza56.08QB
16Jiang Chengji56.15QB
17Nicholas Sheeran56.21
18Ravil Nachaev56.30
19Hisayoshi Tanaka56.31
20John Steel56.50
21Philip Weiss56.82

B Final

The B final was held on August 12.
9John Hargis54.50
10Junya Kawakami54.82
11Yukihiro Matsushita55.47
12John Steel55.64
13Sergio Garza56.11
14Casey Barrett56.19
15Nicholas Sheeran57.08
-Ravil NachaevDNS

A Final

The A final was held on August 12.
Neil Walker52.76CR
Michael Klim52.94
Nate Dusing53.26
4Takashi Yamamoto53.56
5Scott Goodman54.18
6Edward Parenti54.19
7Stephen Clarke54.54
8Theo Verster54.58