1999–2000 Scottish Inter-District Championship

The 1999–2000 Scottish Inter-District Championship was a rugby union competition for Scotland's professional district teams. With the merging of the 4 districts into 2 in 1998; now only Glasgow and Edinburgh were involved in the Scottish Inter-District Championship. Glasgow Caledonians and Edinburgh Reivers then fought it out in a renamed Tri-Series. The previous year this was sponsored by Tennents Velvet, but this year the Tri-Series ran without a sponsor.
Three matches were played between the clubs. Glasgow won the series, beating Edinburgh 2-1. A league table is shown for completeness. Both teams entered the next year's Heineken Cup.
The first Tri-Series game of the season doubled as a fixture in the 1999-2000 season's Welsh-Scottish League.

1999-2000 League Table

Glasgow Caledonians320110456+484
Edinburgh Reivers310256104-482


Round 1

Glasgow Caledonians: Metcalfe, McInroy, A Bulloch, Jardine, Longstaff, Hayes, Nicol, Hilton, G Bulloch, McIlwham, Campbell, White, Reid, McFadyen, Petrie. Replacements: Irving, Stark, Beveridge, Waite, Burns, Scott.

Edinburgh Reivers: Lang, Milligan, Paterson, Utterson, Sharman, Hodge, Fairley, Stewart, Scott, Proudfoot, Lucking, Fullarton, Mather, Leslie, Hogg. Replacements: Di Rollo, Lee, Burns, Hayter, Dall, McNulty, McKelvey

Round 2

Edinburgh Reivers: C Paterson, K Milligan, J Hita, G Shiel, D Lee, D Hodge, G Burns, A Jacobsen, S Scott, B Stewart, A Lucking, I Fullarton, C Mather, C Hogg, G Dall.

Glasgow Caledonians: G Metcalfe, S Longstaff, A Bulloch, J Stuart, J Craig, T Hayes, A Nicol, D Hilton, G Scott, G McIlwham, S Campbell, J White, R Reid, G Simpson, D Macfadyen.

Round 3

Glasgow Caledonians: R Shepherd; A Bulloch, J Stewart, I Jardine, T Hayes; B Irving, F Stott; D Hilton, G Bulloch, G McIlwham, S Campbell, D Burns, J White, M Waite, G Simpson. Subs: G Scott for Waite 34mins, G Beveridge for Stott 66, A Watt for Hilton, 72.

Edinburgh Reivers: G Kiddie; K Milligan, J Hita, G Shiel, K Utterson; G Ross, I Fairley; A Jacobsen, S Scott, B Stewart, A Lucking, I Fullarton, C Mather, G Hayter, G Dall. Subs: M Proudfoot for Stewart, 51. S Walker for Milligan, 69.