2007 Turner Prize

The 2007 Turner Prize for modern British art was awarded on 3 December 2007. It was the 22nd Turner Prize competition. There were four nominees for the 2007 prize and the winner was Mark Wallinger.
The nominees in alphabetical order were:
The exhibition took place in Liverpool in advance of its time as European Capital of Culture. It opened on 19 October 2007 and closed 13 January 2008.
The Turner Prize is awarded for a show by the artist in the previous year. When nominees are told of their nomination they then prepare exhibits for the Turner Prize exhibition, often at short notice. As such, the Turner Prize exhibition may not feature the works for which the artist was initially nominated by the judges. However the Turner Prize exhibition tends to be the basis on which public and press judge the artist's worthiness for nomination.

Works, artist's statements and press coverage

Zarina Bhimji

Bhimji's exhibited works were chiefly photographs of Uganda from which she was expelled:
The artist said:
The critics said:
Exhibited works included:
The critics said:
Pieces exhibited included:
The artist said:
The critics said:
Exhibited works included:
Not exhibited but regarded as the major contribution to his Turner nomination and win:
The artist said:
He has said that the bear in Sleeper symbolises Berlin, the title Sleeper refers to Cold War spies, and that he was inspired by a film of a fairy tale about a prince turned into a bear he saw as a child.
The critics said:
These videos were conducted around the time of the nominations.