2016 Russian National Freestyle Wrestling Championships

The Russian National Freestyle Wrestling Championships 2016 were held in Yakutsk, Sakha-Yakutia, Russia in the Triumph Arena from 27–29 May 2016.

Incident between Lebedev and Musukaev

At the end of the 57 kg quarterfinal wrestling match between Lebedev and Musukaev the referees awarded the victory to Viktor Lebedev. However, after the match the Russian Championships wrestling commission considered mistakes of the referee and awarded the victory to Ismail Musukaev. Even so, Lebedev remained in the semifinals.
After the incident, the Dagestani team walked out, along with others, including many Chechens.
In the 57 kg final, following another controversial victory for Lebedev over Aleksandr Bogomoev, the commission decided award gold medals to both.

Medal overview

Medal table

Men's freestyle