2020 ITF Women's World Tennis Tour

The 2020 International Tennis Federation Women's World Tennis Tour is a second-tier tour for women's professional tennis. It is organized by the International Tennis Federation and is a tier below the Women's Tennis Association Tour. The ITF Women's World Tennis Tour includes tournaments with prize money ranging from $15,000 to $100,000. The ITF Women's World Tennis Tour is the product of reforms designed to support talented junior players in their progression to the senior game, and target the prize money effectively at professional tournaments to enable more players to make a living.
The ITF Women's World Tennis Tour was suspended between 13 March and 16 August due to the coronavirus pandemic.




No tournaments held due to the coronavirus pandemic



Participating host nations

Ranking points distribution

These tables present the number of singles and doubles titles won by each player and each nation during the season. The players/nations are sorted by:
  1. Total number of titles
  2. A singles > doubles hierarchy
  3. Alphabetical order.
To avoid confusion and double counting, these tables should be updated only after all events of the week are completed.

Titles won by player

Titles won by nation