210 (number)

210 is the natural number following 209 and preceding 211.

In mathematics

210 is a composite number, an abundant number, and the product of the first four prime numbers, and thus a primorial. It is also the least common multiple of these four prime numbers. It is the sum of eight consecutive prime numbers.
It is a triangular number, a pentagonal number, and the second smallest to be both triangular and pentagonal.
It is also an idoneal number, a pentatope number, a pronic number, a Harshad number, and an untouchable number. 210 is also the first 71-gonal number, preceding 418. It is the first primorial number greater than 2 which is not adjacent to 2 primes.
It is the largest number n such that all primes between n/2 and n yield a representation as a sum of two primes.