21st Senate of Puerto Rico

The 21st Senate of Puerto Rico was the upper house of the 13th Legislative Assembly of Puerto Rico that met from January 2, 1997, to January 1, 2001. All members were elected in the General Elections of 1996. The Senate had a majority of members from the New Progressive Party.
The body is counterparted by the 25th House of Representatives of Puerto Rico in the lower house.


President of the SenateCharlie RodríguezPNPAt-Large
President pro TemporeAníbal Marrero PérezPNPAt-Large
Majority LeaderJosé Enrique MeléndezPNPVI
Majority WhipPNP
Minority LeaderAntonio Fas AlzamoraPPDAt-large
Minority WhipPPD



I - San JuanJunior GonzálezPNP
I - San JuanJorge SantiniPNP
II - BayamónAníbal Marrero PérezPNP
II - BayamónRamón Luis Rivera Jr.PNP
III - AreciboNorma CarranzaPNP
III - AreciboVíctor Marrero PadillaPNP
IV - Mayagüez-AguadillaCarlos PagánPNP
IV - Mayagüez-AguadillaJorge Ramos ComasPPD
V - PonceModesto Agosto AliceaPPD
V - PonceBruno RamosPPD
VI - GuayamaCarmen Luz BerríosPNP
VI - GuayamaJosé Enrique MeléndezPNP
VII - HumacaoCarlos Dávila LópezPNP
VII - HumacaoLuis Felipe NavasPNP
VIII - CarolinaRoger IglesiasPNP
VIII - CarolinaLuisa LebrónPNP
At-LargeLuz Arce FerrerPNP
At-LargeEudaldo Báez GalibPPD
At-LargeRubén BerríosPIP
At-LargeEduardo BhatiaPPD
At-LargeAntonio Fas AlzamoraPPD
At-LargeVelda González de ModesttiPPD
At-LargeKenneth McClintockPNP
At-LargeMercedes OteroPPD
At-LargeSergio Peña ClosPNP
At-LargeRoberto Rexach BenítezPNP
At-LargeEnrique Rodríguez NegrónPNP