261 (number)

261 is a natural number proceeded by the number 260 and followed by 262. It has the prime factorization 32·29.

Mathematical properties

There are six divisors of this number, the divisors being,,,,, and 261 itself. 261 is a deficient number, since
261 is nonagonal number, Harshad number, unique period in base 2, and the number of possible unfolded tesseract patterns.
261 is a lucky number, as well as an odious number, meaning it has an odd number of 1's in its binary expansion, which is .
261 was once the lowest number not to have its own Wikipedia page, this making it a candidate for the lowest uninteresting Number according to the definition given by Alex Bellos., the smallest natural number without its own Wikipedia page is 262, and the smallest prime number without its own Wikipedia page is 283.

In other fields

261 may refer to:
;Military / transportation
;See also