33rd Republican People's Party Ordinary Convention

The 33rd Republican People's Party Ordinary Convention was held on 22 and 23 May 2010 in order to elect a new leader following the resignation of Deniz Baykal after a sex-tape scandal. The only candidate was former CHP parliamentary group leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, who was both nominated and unanimously elected with a record share of the delegates' votes.
Baykal initially had considered re-running for election due to strong support from the party's central executive committee, but the lack of support from the local party association chairpersons resulted in him withdrawing from the leadership race. While Kılıçdaroğlu received the support of 77 out of the 81 provincial chairpersons, Baykal received the endorsement of the remaining four. A total of 1,250 delegates were registered for election, with Kılıçdaroğlu receiving 1,189.

Party Council

Directly elected (68 members)

Members elected to the Party Council are as follows, with the number of votes they received shown in brackets.

Science, Culture and Executive Quota (12 members)

Members elected to the Party Council through the Science, Culture and Executive Quota are as follows, with the number of votes they received shown in brackets.

High Disciplinary Board (15 members)


A candidate for the leadership needed the signatures of 20% of the registered delegates to officially run for election.
