50th Field Artillery Regiment (The Prince of Wales Rangers), RCA

The 50th Field Artillery Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery was a Canadian Army Reserve artillery regiment based in Peterborough, Ontario. The regiment currently exists on the Supplementary Order of Battle.
The Regiment was created in 1960 from the merger of 50th Medium Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment, RCA - originally the 57th Peterborough Battalion of Infantry formed in 1867 and the 45th Medium Battery, RCA - originally as 45th Canadian Volunteer Militia and then as 45th West Durham Battalion of Infantry.


Lineage of the 50th Field Artillery Regiment:
+ Abbreviations used in the chart
! Abbreviation !! Phrase
Arty Artillery
Bde Brigade
Bn Battalion
Bty Battery
CA Canadian Artillery
CASF Canadian Active Service Force
Cav. Cavalry
CEF Canadian Expeditionary Force
CFA Canadian Field Artillery
CMGC Canadian Machine Gun Corps
Coys Companies
Infy Infantry
MG Machine Gun
RCA Royal Canadian Artillery
Regt Regiment

Notable members