5th Open Russian Festival of Animated Film

The 5th Open Russian Festival of Animated Film was held in from Feb. 10-14 in 2000 at a boarding house called "Birch Grove" two kilometres from the town of Tarusa, Russia. Animated works from the past three years from the Russian Federation were accepted. Along with auteur films, commercial reels, music clips and television bumpers were in competition. There was also a two-minute pilot for The Nutcracker and the Mouse King, a feature film finally released in 2004, and Optimus Mundus, a feature film consisting of 50 independently directed short films about Moscow.
The jury prizes were handed out by profession, with some prizes tailored to the films in competition. No Grand Prix was given out this year. Also, any member or guest of the festival was able to vote for their favourite film.


Jury prizes

Rating (by audience vote)

Each member of the audience was asked to list their top 5 five films of the festival. 5 points were given for a 1st place vote and so on, down to 1 point for a 5th place vote.
1The Socks of the Big City
Носки большого города
Andrey Ushakov261
Sergey Ovcharov129
3Moby Dick
Моби Дик
Natalya Orlova108
4The Tree with the Golden Apples
Дерево с золотыми яблоками
Natalya Dabizha104
5Little Reed Riding Hood
Тростниковая шапочка
Galina Beda68
6Optimus Mundus63
Nikolay Bogayevskiy61
8Lukomorye. The Nurse
Лукоморье. Няня
Sergey Seregin58
9The Autumn Has Begun
Наступила осень
Yekatirina Sokolova57
10The Story of a Cat with All the Ensuing Consequences
История кота со всеми вытекающеми последствиями
Natalya Beryozova56