
A*mazing was an Australian children's television game show that aired between 16 May 1994 until 1998 on the Seven Network. It was famous for a relatively large and elaborate maze/obstacle course that was part of the show's studio set. A*mazing was hosted by James Sherry for the entire run of the series. A*mazing was produced at Channel 7 in Brisbane from 1994–1996 and then at Channel 7 in Perth from 1997–1998.


The show pitted teams from two different primary schools against each other during the course of a week. Points gained by each contestant during the week would be totalled up to decide the winning school at the end of each week.

Round one

In the first round of the game, a 90-second countdown timer begins, and Sherry begins to provide clues to a word or phrase to the first school's contestants. Contestants have to correctly guess the word or phrase before running down to a large QWERTY keyboard mounted on the floor and stepping on the letters to spell it out. The process is repeated for the second school. If contestants were unable to guess the word initially, the clues would get easier until the word was spelled out by Sherry. The time remaining determines how many points they get, plus how long each school gets to spend in the maze during round two.

Round two

During the second round, one contestant from each school would enter the maze and attempt to collect the letters of the answer which are hidden in such places as a garbage can, or behind a mock cactus. Ten points are given for every letter they retrieve inside the maze before their time runs out.
Occasionally, the maze would include letters that are not part of the answer; if a contestant collected these superfluous letters, they would not receive any extra points in addition to the points earned by collecting the valid letters.

Round three

Round three is the same as the round one; it will just be a different word or phrase they will have to guess and spell out.

Round four

Round four is the same as the second round except that the other contestant from the team enters the maze in order to find the letters to their word.

Round five

In the fifth round, the contestants competed in a video game face off. During the course of the show, three different gaming platforms, all provided by sponsor Nintendo, were used. Originally the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and later the Nintendo 64.
Games played included Tetris, Bubsy, Donkey Kong Country, ', Super Mario World, Nigel Mansell's World Championship, Plok, Pac-Attack, 1080° Snowboarding, ', Wave Race 64, Super Mario Kart, Mario Kart 64, , Multi-Racing Championship, Cruis'n USA, Diddy Kong Racing, Super Mario 64, Winter Gold, Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Tennis, Cruis'n World, and the fly-swatting minigame from Mario Paint.
The team with the most points/fastest time win fifty points for their team, while runners-up in this challenge win 25 points for their team. Should there be a tie, both teams score 25 points each. Originally, 100 points were awarded to the winners and 50 points to the runners-up.

Bonus Round

After the third round, the team with the highest score would then go back to the maze for 90 seconds to collect keys. One player will choose which side of the maze they want to explore. Only when that player exits that maze can the other player enter the other half of the maze. There were seven keys, including a bonus one, in the maze; each key was worth 100 points. If either of the contestants found the bonus key, then both of the contestants would each get an original Game Boy, which later became a Game Boy Pocket. Only once were all seven keys found in the maze.
If there was a tie after the third round, a sudden-death question was read out to both teams in the style of the first round, and whoever answered the question correctly would technically win the game for the day and go into the maze to search for the keys.


By the end of the week, the school with the highest number of points would win a grand prize, which was usually educational computer software or an encyclopedia set. Other prizes included tickets to the Wet'n'Wild theme park in Gold Coast, Australia.

The Maze