Aïssa Djermouni

Aïssa Djermouni or Aïssa El Jermouni or Aissa Merzougui or Aïssa L'Jarmouni is an Algerian poet and a singer of Berber origin.


Aïssa Djermouni was born in M'toussa in 1886, Merzoug came from the great Berber tribal federation Aïth Kerkath occupying the geographical space between Batna, Khenchela and Aïn Beïda in the South Constantinois; the branch to which he belongs is Igerman, hence his name Jermouni. He is of peasant origin. His impresario was a native Jew, Mr. Snoussi, who introduced him to record companies such as Philips, Ouardaphone, etc. from the early thirties.