A.D. Oliver Middle School

A.D. Oliver Middle School is located in Brockport, Monroe County, New York. It was built in 1934, and is a three-story, English Tudor Revival style reinforced concrete and brick building with three sections. It has molded bricks and terra cotta decorative elements and Indiana limestone trim. Attached to the original building is a 1956 gymnasium addition and an addition built in 1996. The building housed the Brockport Central Rural High School until 1967, when Brockport High School was constructed, and since then has been used as a middle school. It serves grades 6th, 7th and 8th. Mr. Jerrod D. Roberts is currently the principal. Mrs. Rebecca Tibbitts and Mrs. Michelle Guerrieri are the assistant principals. The buildings goals are to
  1. Continue to apply the curriculum design process to create, reflect, refine and implement cohesive curricula aligned to the NYS and/or National Standards.
  2. Continue to create and foster small learning communities of adults and students in which stable, close, and mutually respectful relationships support all students' intellectual, ethical, and social growth by focusing on differentiation of instruction.
  3. Continue to increase academic and behavior supports and structures to meet the need for all students while being culturally responsive to student's needs.
  4. To be a developmentally responsive school, involving families as partners in the education of their children. It is a splendid school. Your child will have an amazing time there.
The school was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2011.