AEROS (satellite)
AEROS satellites were to study the aeronomy i. e. the science of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere, in particular the F region under the strong influence of solar extreme ultraviolet radiation. To this end the spectrum of this radiation was recorded aboard by one instrument on the one hand and a set of 4 other instruments measuring the most important neutral uand iononized parameters at the satellite's position on the other.
Aeros was built by Ball Aerospace for a co-operative project between NASA and the Bundesministerium für Foschung und Technologie, Federal Republic of Germany.
Named for the Greek god of the air at the suggestion of the BMwF.
AEROS A and B carried identical instrumentation only the instrument measuring short scale variations of the electron density didn't work on A. A third Aeros C was planned for Earth Resources studies in a 3-axis spin-stabilized configuration, to be launched by a Shuttle in 1986.Specifications