AFGITMOLFM is a 2017 Philippine teen television film that premiered on TV5's Wattpad Presents on July 8, 2017. It is based on the Pop Fiction book of the same name originally published year 2009 on's Teen Talk section and it was popularized on Wattpad by Rayne Mariano. The television film is directed by Joel Ferrer, and it stars Myrtle Sarrosa, Richard Juan, and Kino Adrian Rementilla. It will be distributed by TV5 with the coordination of D5 Studios.


Ianne is a simple hopeless romantic student who can't take love seriously until she met the two guys who'll make her life a little bit exciting as she discovers the meaning of love for her.
Art is the popular guy in school who is so emotionless, intelligent, and mysterious.
Nate is the boyfriend of Ianne, a boy-next-door type who is so charming as he swept everyone with his charming smile.


The story starts with Ianne and Nate's simple relationship as boyfriend-girlfriend. One day, Nate, out of nowhere, broke up with Ianne.