
AKBingo! was a Japanese television variety show featuring Japanese idol girl group AKB48. The show aired weekly on Nippon Television. In each episode, members of AKB48 and occasionally their sister groups participate in activities that include quizzes, games, sports, and news. The show is the successor of two previous shows featuring AKB48 with very similar concepts, :ja:AKB0じ59ふん!|AKB 0ji 59fun and :ja:AKB1じ59ふん!|AKB 1ji 59fun. The concept of the show was reused for the Sakamichi Series groups with NogiBingo! for Nogizaka46, KeyaBingo! for Keyakizaka46 and HinaBingo! for Hinatazaka46, as well as STU48 with SetoBingo! and HKT48 with HKTBingo! in 2018, and SKE48 with SKEBingo! in 2019.
The hosts of the show were changed in June 2016 after 395 episodes, when the owarai comedy duo :ja:バッドボーイズ |Bad Boys, consisting of Kiyoto Ōmizo & Masaki Sata, were succeeded by :ja:ウーマンラッシュアワー|Woman Rush Hour, consisting of Daisuke Muramoto & Paradise Nakagawa.
From episode 414 onwards, a new intro and logo came into use.
On, Muramoto announced that the show would end in September after an 11-year run. The last episode aired on.




The Chinese version is titled SNHello 星萌学院 and consists of the members of SNH48, the former Chinese sister group of AKB48 who have since become independent to AKB48. The show is telecast online every Friday starting from July 4, 2014, but the network sometimes offers some "sneak peeks", on Thursdays.


The Indonesian version is titled IClub48 and stars JKT48, AKB48's Indonesian sister group, and host Brandon Nicholas. The show aired twice a weekend on NET, among other Indonesian networks.


The Thai version is titled Victory BNK48 and stars BNK48, the Thai sister group of AKB48. It aired on Workpoint TV. It is the successor to a previous show featuring the group, BNK48 Show, which was broadcast on Channel 3. There is also a documentary series titled BNK48 Senpai.


MNLife and MNLaugh! both appeared on the official YouTube channel of MNL48, AKB48's Filipino sister group. Both shows were hosted by Luke Conde and a special co-host, who was a member of MNL48 and varied from episode to episode. They were later replaced by MNL48 I-SCHOOL, which also appeared on the group's YouTube channel.