AMD FX is a series of high-end AMD microprocessors for personal computers debuted in 2011, claimed as AMD's first native 8-core desktop processor. The line was introduced with the Bulldozer microarchitecture at launch, and was then succeeded by its derivative Piledriver in 2012.
The line aimed at competing with the Intel Core line of desktop processors, and in particular the Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge architectures.
AMD's successor architecture, Zen, was released in 2017 under the Ryzen brand, replacing the FX series and competing with Intel's Skylake and Kaby Lake Core series.


One notable feature of the AMD FX microprocessors is that they are all unlocked and overclockable, a feature reserved for the high-end K suffix SKUs from Intel. This allows users to increase the clock speed of their CPU and to gain extra performance out of their product. The personal world record for highest overclock was achieved on an FX-8350, which is clocked up to 8794.33MHz.
Unlike the majority of their Intel counterparts, FX chips offer no integrated graphics, a feature reserved to AMD's APU line of processors.
Both Zambezi and Vishera use a module design containing two cores on one module.

Features table