ASASSN-19bt is a tidal disruption event, a star destroyed by a black hole, discovered by the All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae project, with early-time, detailed observations by the TESS satellite. It was first detected on January 21st, 2019, and reached peak brightness on March 4th. The black hole is in the 16th magnitude galaxy 2MASX J07001137-6602251 in the constellation Volans at a redshift of 0.0262, around 375 million light years away.
Observations in UV light made with NASA’s Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory showed a drop in the temperature of the tidal disruption from around 71,500 to 35,500 degrees Fahrenheit over a few days. This is the first time such an early temperature drop has been seen in a tidal disruption event. The transient resulting from the tidal disruption event has been cataloged as AT 2019ahk.