A House Divided (TV series)

A House Divided is an American web television soap opera created by Dan Garcia and starring Demetria McKinney, Paula Jai Parker, Brad James and Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs. The series follows the members of a wealthy Sanders family in the Los Angeles after the loss of the family's matriarch while uncovering and facing a variety of secrets and scandals.
The first season premiered on the streaming service Urban Movie Channel on July 18, 2019. On October 25, 2019, the series was renewed for the second season, while LisaRaye McCoy and Parker McKenna Posey have joined the cast. The first season received three Indie Series Awards nominations.


A House Divided follows the direct descendent of Letty Sanders, an enslaved woman who after arriving in Los Angeles, California in 1821 and became the wealthiest Black woman in the newly formed city. Centering on the present-day members of the highly esteemed Sanders family, Cameron Sanders has raised his three children: Stephanie, Cameron, Jr., and Torrance, in opulent wealth. After the sudden passing of his wife amidst a brewing government investigation into the business dealings of the family-owned bank, a new woman, Carissa Walker emerges from the shadows determined to be the next Mrs. Cameran Sanders. As secrets are uncovered and scandals emerge, the Sanders family will be forced to band together for the sake of their survival or risk the ultimate demise of their long-standing legacy.

Cast and characters