A Time to Speak

A Time to Speak is a 1965 Australian television film, which aired on ABC. It is a period drama set around 1900. It was written by Noel Robinson.
Australian TV drama was relatively rare at the time.


In the year 1900, a doctor stands up to the corrupt leader of a religious community.


It was filmed in Melbourne with location footage at Monstalvat near Eltham. Raymond Westwell and Joan MacArthur were married in real life.


The Australian Woman's Weekly TV critic called it "a meaty play", and said she "particularly liked the understated ending".
The Canberra Times said it was "a good play, well suited to television, and simply loaded with righteousness enough for all those people who found the honest, healthy lust of The Swagmanwas not their.., cup of tea."
The TV critic for The Sydney Morning Herald said the play was "an uncommonly arresting drama about the conflict of personalities" in which the director "used the austere and sombre setting of a farm community lo good effect. Some of the scenes were rather abrupt, as was the ending, but generally tension was maintained well."