The story is narrated from the perspective of Chetna Grddha Mullick, daughter of hangman Phanibhushan Grddha Mullick, whose family lives near Nimtala Ghat in Chitpur, Kolkata. Chetna lives with her father, mother, brother, grandmother father's brother and his wife. She is twenty two years old, and had been an intelligent student, scoring distinction in her plus two. However, due to financial constraints, she does not study further. Her mother and Kakima sell tea to make ends meetat home. They live in poverty since the number of executions have only been decreasing in the last few decades. Meanwhile, Phanibhushan remains in significant media scrutiny because of his job, but he is very particular about not having Chetna's photograph in the public eye. This is because of what happened to his son, Ramu da, Chetna's older brother. Phanibhushan had been the hangman at the execution of Amartya Ghosh, who had murdered a Kolkata industrialist Chandresen Ghosh and his three children. Amartya Ghosh's parents came to Phanibhushan, begging to somehow prevent their son's execution. However, Phani is adamant that he cannot let his judgment get in the way of his profession, and refuses to listen to them. Two days after Amartya's execution, his father follows Ramu da, Phani's son, back from college and hacks his limbs. This leaves Phani's only son disabled and depressed. Phani, therefore, is keen that his daughter Chetna get a government job after his retirement since he has no one else who can take care of the family once he is gone. Phani takes great pride in his profession and the lineage of his family, which has for a long time been in this profession. In late May, the family awaits the result of the mercy petition for Jatindranath Banerjee's execution, so that they would know if Phanibhushan has to be the hangman for his execution or not. Sanjeev Kumar Mitra, a news reporter for CNC, covers the story about Jatindranath's execution. For this reason, he visits Phanibhushan. Chetna is attracted to him due to his charismatic appearance and charming speech. However, he verbally abuses her in private. Mitra helps Phanibhushan to try to convince government officials to give the job of the executioner to Chetna, thereby making her the first hangwoman in the country. Later, he asks Phanibhushan for her hand in marriage which he readily agrees because Mitra is an intelligent journalist whom Phani respects.