Abasaheb Garware College

Abasaheb Garware College of Arts and Science is a college located in Pune, India. It is run by the Maharashtra Education Society, a private education institution founded by Vasudeo Balwant Phadke, Vaman Prabhakar Bhave and Laxman Narhar Indapurkar in 1860. The college was established in 1945 and named as "M.E.S College of Arts and Science". It was renamed to its present name in 1970s after a charitable donation by the industrialist Abasaheb Garware to the society.
Garware College offers undergraduate programs in Arts and Science. Approximately 5000 students study in this college.


Admission forms are available on the college website and in the college office. A student can choose which program he wants to opt.

Programs offered

Garware College is an Arts and Science college. The college offers undergraduate programs in the fields listed below.
