Abdallah Fakhr al-Din

Abdallah Fakhr al-Din was the 16th Dai of Tayyibi Isma'ilism. He succeeded the 15th Dai Abbas ibn Muhammad to the religious post.
The grave of the dai along with 14th and 17th Dai are at Zimarmar Fort which is on the top of a hill. The small square is grave of their associate. On the hill top there still exist the remains of the Mosque, buildings and water reservoirs.
Abdallah Fakhr al-Din became Da'i al-Mutlaq in 779 AH/1345AD. His period of Dawat was from 779-809AH for about 29 years, 11 months, 1 day. The Zaidi Imam Al-Mansur Ali bin Salah ad-Din persecuted the Taiyabi Ismailis based at Dhumarmar/Zimarmar.
His Mazoon was: Syedna Ali ash-Shaibani, Syedna Husain and Syedna Hasan
Mukasir: Syedi Abdul Muttalib bin Syedna Abdullah
Syedna conferred nass upon 17th Dai al-Hasan Badr al-Din I - his son after passing away at the age of 85.