Abdominal wall

In anatomy, the abdominal wall represents the boundaries of the abdominal cavity. The abdominal wall is split into the anterolateral and posterior walls.
There is a common set of layers covering and forming all the walls: the deepest being the visceral peritoneum, which covers many of the abdominal organs, and the parietal peritoneum- which covers the visceral peritoneum below it, the extraperitoneal fat, the transversalis fascia, the internal and external oblique and transversus abdominis aponeurosis, and a layer of fascia, which has different names according to what it covers.
In medical vernacular, the term 'abdominal wall' most commonly refers to the layers composing the anterior abdominal wall which, in addition to the layers mentioned above, includes the three layers of muscle: the transversus abdominis, the internal and the external oblique.

Layers of anterolateral abdominal wall

In human anatomy, the layers of the anterolateral abdominal wall are :
The surface contains several ligaments separated by fossae:
Ligament/foldRemnant ofLateral fossaHernia
median umbilical ligamenturachussupravesical fossasupravesical hernia
medial umbilical ligamentumbilical arterymedial inguinal fossadirect inguinal hernia
lateral umbilical foldinferior epigastric vesselslateral inguinal fossaindirect inguinal hernia