Abhay Mahajan

Abhay Mahajan is an Indian actor known for his work in TVF drama series - Pitchers.

Life and career

Mahajan completed his schooling from Abhinava Vidyalaya and graduated from Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce. He started his career working as a child actor. He moved to Mumbai from Pune in 2015. Mahajan learnt body movement for a year at the Attakkalari Institute of Movement Arts and also conducts body movements workshop. He is also one of the founding members of the Pune-based theatre troupe, Natak Company. Mahajan has been active in theatre and has been part of many award-winning and acclaimed films. In 2018, he was part of Bharatiya Digital Party's Harry Potter spoof video, titled If Hogwarts was a Marathi School, where he played Hari Potdar.
