Abortion in Andorra

Abortion in Andorra is banned except in cases where it is necessary to save the life of a pregnant woman.
In Andorra, a woman who performs an abortion on herself or gives consent to another person to perform an abortion is subject to up two and a half years imprisonment. A person who performs an abortion with the consent of a pregnant woman is subject to imprisonment up to four years; if she or he is a medical practitioner and aborted the child for financial profit, the maximum penalty is six years in prison. If termination of pregnancy is performed without consent of the pregnant woman, the maximum penalty is ten years in prison. If a pregnant woman dies due to an abortion, the maximum penalty is 12 years in prison.
Though the law has no explicit exceptions to the prohibition, general criminal law principles of necessity provide a legal basis for abortions to be performed when necessary to save the life of the mother.
Women in Andorra who choose to terminate a pregnancy usually go to either neighboring Spain or France.
, a movement to legalize abortion in Andorra has prompted Pope Francis to intervene. Because the Bishop of Urgell, Joan Enric Vives Sicília, is a co-prince of the principality, his approval of legalization would, according to the Pope, result in the co-prince's abdication and withdrawal of support from the Holy See. This situation could have an impact on the nature of Andorra's governance and its independence from Spain and France.