
Abrosimov or Abrosimova is a Russian surname. Variants of this surname include Abrasimov/Abrasimova, Abraskin/Abraskina, Abrosenko, Abrosenkov/Abrosenkova, Abrosin/Abrosina, Abroskin/Abroskina кин/Абро́с, Abroskov/Abroskova, Abrosov/Abrosova, Abroshin/Abroshina, Abroshchenko, Ambrosov/Ambrosova, Amvrosimov/Amvrosimova, Amvrosov/Amvrosova, Amvrosyev/Amvrosyeva, Obrosimov/Obrosimova, Obrosov/Obrosova, and Ovrosimov/Ovrosimova.
All these surnames derive from various forms of the given name Ambrose, which is of Greek origin where it means god-like. Another possibility is that the surname derives from the Russian dialectal word "абросим", meaning a person who gives oneself airs, a person who plays the peacock.
;People with the surname