Abu'l-'Anbas Saymari

Abu'l-'Anbas Saymari Mohammad b. Eshaq b. Abi'l-'Anbas b. Al-Maghira b. Mahan was an Iranian astrologer, poet and author. He was born in 213/828 in Kufa, and died in 275/889. He seems to have spent much of his time at the caliphal court from Motawakkel’s reign to Moʿtamed’s. His great-great-grandfather’s name, and his knowledge of the Sasanian astrologers Zaradūšt and Bozorjmehr, indicates that he was of Iranian origin.


  1. Ketāb al-radd ʿala’l-monaǰǰemīn, lost.
  2. Ketāb aḥkām al-noǰūm, lost.
  3. Ketāb al-madḵal elā ṣanāʿat al-tanǰīm, perhaps identical with no. 5.
  4. Ketāb al-mawālīd, lost.
  5. Ketāb al-madḵal elā ʿelm al-noǰūm
  6. Ketāb fi’l-ḥesāb al-noǰūmī.
  7. al-Zīǰ