Abu Dawud al-Tayalisi

Musnad al Tayalisi, or Musnad Abu Dawood al-Tayalisi or Musnad Abi Dawud Al Tayalisi, is one of the oldest Hadith book written and compiled. It was compiled by Imam Abu Dawood Al-Tayalisi .


The book contains almost three thousand hadiths according to Maktaba Shamila. It is one of the oldest Musnad written. It is written in the second century of the Islamic Calendar and written before the most authentic book of Hadiths that are Sahihain. The Musnad are collections of Hadiths which are classified by narrators, and therefore by Sahabas. It seems that the collection is not directly the work of the Imam, but what his pupil Yunus ibn Habib assembled from what the Sheikh transmitted to him.


The book has been published by many organizations around the world: