Abuna Aregawi

Abuna Aregawi was a sixth-century monk, whom tradition holds founded the monastery Debre Damo in Tigray, said to have been commissioned by Emperor Gebre Mesqel of Axum.


He is one of the Nine Saints of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church who came from various parts of the Roman Empire to escape persecution after the Council of Chalcedon. The Nine Saints: Abba Aftsé, Abba 'Aléf, Abba Gärima, Abba Guba, Abba Liqanos, Abba Pantelewon, Abba Sehma, Abba Yäm'ata and Abba Zä-Mika'él 'Arägawi were learned monks who revitalized Christianity in Ethiopia, and to whom the Ge'ez version of the New Testament is attributed.
After spending twelve years at the court of king Ella Amida of Axum, he set out with his companion, the nun Edna, to found Debre Damo. Later in his life, king Kaleb is said to have sought his advice before setting out to south Arabia against the Jewish king Dhu Nuwas. He was a disciple of the famous Coptic monk St. Pachomius who is regarded a founder of Cenobitic Monasticism.

Debre Demo monastery

God provided a large snake to aid him in climbing the amba, or steep-sided mountain, so he could build Debre Damo in Tigray. As David Buxton recounts the story, "when Abba Aragawi, the founder of the monastery, came to the foot of the cliff a great serpent appeared. As St Michael stood by to give directions, the serpent folded Abba Arawi in his coils and drew him to the top of the mountain." It is built with curved wood panels, painted ceilings and walls dedicated to the legend of Saint Abuna Aregawi. Many books have been written there and distributed to churches throughout Ethiopia. There are a collection of some of the best manuscripts presently existing in Ethiopia.
Abba Aregawi is a saint currently canonized by the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, as well as by the Ethiopian Catholic Church, as well as the Eritrean Orthodox Church. As one of the famous monks out of the nine Ethiopian Saints he was responsible for creating many monasteries and churches and was the main force behind installing monasticism in Ethiopia
His feast day is on October 14 Ethiopian calendar.