Accounts & SSO

Accounts & SSO, accounts-sso, or lately gSSO is a single sign-on framework for computers.
Originating as part of Maemo 5 Accounts-SSO is free software licensed under LGPL 2.1. Accounts-SSO was deployed as a standard component of Nokia N900, Nokia N9, Tizen, and Ubuntu. Later it was integrated in KDE Plasma Workspaces.


Accounts-SSO was originally developed by Nokia who eventually shipped it as part of Maemo 5 on.
It was later integrated into MeeGo 1.2 Handset software platform which was formally released on.
After the MeeGo project ended, Accounts-SSO was transferred into an independent project by Intel. Canonical Ltd then adopted Accounts-SSO for Ubuntu 12.10 and KDE integrated it in November 2012.


Among Accounts-SSO's features are a plugin-based architecture, working with diverse user interfaces, storage back-ends, and varying levels of security.
While Accounts-SSO is primarily being used for centralized login management to social networking services, e.g. sharing photos to a service from an image managing application and chatting on the same service from an instant messenger, its plugin-based architecture also allows for local usage, such as disk encryption for which a cryptsetup plugin for Accounts-SSO was developed.
The Accounts-SSO framework consists of several individually released components: