
aceMedia is a multimedia content management software package that was funded by the European Union, and developed from 2004 to 2007. The final review was presented in February 2008, and AceMedia is now available in two editions, personal and commercial.


Features of the aceMedia software include:
It was developed by 15 European partners that can be classified in:
The PCS is a GUI where the user can import images and videos, organize in folders, annotate them and call content analysis tools on them.
The content analysis tools include:
It includes a web interface from which users can rate images and videos, and search them. Searching can be done with different criteria:
A reasoning system combines annotations to make sure they are coherent. For example, on an image, a sky region is supposed to be above a rock region.


The PCS application and most of the CCM application are based on a Java framework that manages the content and the metadata.
The content analysis tools are implemented in C or C++ and called by the framework.
The server side of the web interface is in C#.


Some technologies developed during the lifespan of the project will be used by the participating companies. The main framework is to be published in open-source form.