Action Dad

Action Dad is a 2011 Brazilian-American animated series created by Andrew Dickman. The show features the voices of Chelan Simmons, Lee Tockar and Michael Donovan. The show premiered in Brazil on Sept. 12, 2012 on Cartoon Network Brazil. The show has also aired in Portugal, Israel and France. Although previously thought to premiere in mid-2011, the show has yet to be distributed in the U.S. as of 2014.


The story revolves around Liz Ramsey and her little brother Mick Ramsey, two normal teenagers with one exception; their father Chuck Ramsey is a secret spy and their mother Angela Ramsey is a super-villain. Although the two parents work for both good and evil, they have the same intention of keeping their children out of harm from their missions and enemies.


Chuck Ramsey:
Agent Ramsey is the best Agent of the headquarters S.H.H.H.H.H, manages to overcome some missions and most of them is to combat Von dash, is married to Angela although they fight one-on-one.
Angela Ramsey:
Angela or agent mother is a beautiful agent of the improvement of A.R.G.H headquarters, she worked alongside Baron Von Dash although sometimes betrays it to protect her family.
Liz Ramsey:
Liz Ramsey is the eldest daughter of Chuck and Angela, Liz is good in combat techniques, when you want to do things for older people learn to drive, get a boyfriend or be in an appointment, Chuck hardly leaves Her to do those things.
Mick Ramsey:
Mick Ramsey is the youngest son of Chuck and Angela, Mick is very smart, knows a lot about robotics and sometimes assists parents in their dangerous missions from the home, is not very good physically but is good with His mind.
Major Break:
Major Break is the Commander of the barracks of S.H.H.H.H.H, gives orders to all agents, considered Chuck Ramsey as his right hand and leads to Slam McJackson and PoundPenny to fight against A.R.G.H.
Slam McJackson:
Slam McJackson is the one That handles the controls of S.H.H.H.H.H being very adventurous and sometimes helps Chuck in their missions from the barracks when it comes to the danger.
Ms. PoundPenny:
Ms. PoundPenny is one of the agents of S.H.H.H.H.H and the only female agent of the barracks, She helps with the coordinates of the headquarters and has a son named Jack who is the love of Liz Ramsey.
Baron Von Dash:
Von Dash is an agent of A.R.G.H that helps agent mother Against S.H.H.H.H.H but most of the time fails due to agent Ramsey or dur to his own Incompetence He is very clumsy.


S01E01 - Agent Of MEH 17 September 2012
S01E02 - Double Agent Double Date 18 September 2012
S01E03 - Getting Schooled 19 September 2012
S01E04 - Family Von Dash 20 September 2012
S01E05 - Made Of Dishonor 21 September 2012
S01E06 - World Of Workcraft 24 September 2012
S01E07 - Old Agent 25 September 2012
S01E08 - Action Ramp 26 September 2012
S01E09 - 2 Buff Chuck 27 September 2012
S01E10 - Chuck Goes To Hollywood 28 September 2012
S01E11 - Chuck In The Middle 1 October 2012
S01E12 - Agent Gone Child 2 October 2012
S01E13 - It's A Mall World 3 October 2012
S01E14 - Shrinky Fink 4 October 2012
S01E15 - Girl Powerless 5 October 2012
S01E16 - Thugz Bunny 8 October 2012
S01E17 - Time Drivel 9 October 2012
S01E18 - Mad Magazine 10 October 2012
S01E19 - Xendra Freelance Agent 11 October 2012
S01E20 - Giant Crop Of Horror 12 October 2012
S01E21 - Stop & Shoot The Rose 15 October 2012
S01E22 - Curl Scout 16 October 2012


Dickman came up with the concept for the show as early as 2006, wanting to make a family orientated show. On the matter he said "I used to LOVE old action hero movies that starred either Hulk Hogan, Arnold Schwartzenegger and etc... I miss those old movies, I wanted to see if I could bring that back, a little with this cartoon" However, Dickman had no involvement in the production of the series, nor was he acknowledged of the show's existence until he discovered it five years later and wasn't even contractually paid for the series at all. Dickman believes that the reason for being off the production was for the studio "to make all the changes they wanted." This may explain why the series' main antagonist, Baron Gash, was renamed to Baron von Dash and the characters gained new character designs and Flash animation.