Adath Jeshurun Congregation

Adath Jeshurun Congregation is a Conservative Jewish synagogue located in Minnetonka, Minnesota with about 1,200 members. Founded in 1884, it is a founding member of the United Synagogue of America, a founding member of the Women's League for Conservative Judaism, and "the oldest affiliate of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism west of Chicago.

Early history

Adath Jeshurun was founded in 1884 by two small groups of Romanian and Russian Jews. Although the congregation, originally known as A’Tas Yeshurun, began by closely following orthodox Jewish customs, it soon became the first Conservative congregation west of the Mississippi River. In its early years, the synagogue faced three major disasters: In 1888, while in rented premises, a fire destroyed all of its property, and in 1902 a windstorm completely destroyed the congregation's synagogue on Second Street South. The congregation subsequently purchased a church on Seventh Street South in 1903, but it too was destroyed in a windstorm in 1904.
In 1912 Adath Jeshurun hired C. David Matt, its first American trained rabbi, and the first to give sermons in English. In 1913 Adath Jeshurun was one of the founding members of the United Synagogue of America, and in 1918 its sisterhood helped found the Women's League for Conservative Judaism.

Recent events

Adath Jeshurun is "the oldest affiliate of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism west of Chicago." It describes itself as "a progressive, egalitarian, and sacred community dedicated to Torah, Avodah , and Gemilut Hasadim " and it has relocated several times to newer neighborhoods.
In 1995 it dedicated a 75,000 square foot 1,200 seat suburban facility with space for all of the congregation's religious services, social events, education programs and administrative functions. Three indoor arches at the entrance to the Grand Foyer recall Adath's former synagogue and the three "pillars" of the congregation's mission – Torah, service, and good deeds.

Conservative Judaism and activism

Aaron Brusso has been a rabbi at Adath Jeshurun Congregation. He is a graduate of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America and has spoken in favor on "The Courage to be Conservative"
The rabbi, as representative of the congregation, spoke out in favor of a Hechsher Tzedek, or "Justice Certification" which is a proposed certification for food produced in a way that meets standards of social justice for workers and animals, promoted by modern-day Conservative Judaism activists. In July 2007 the synagogue hosted a symposium about ethical standards in the kosher food industry:
The rabbi and the synagogue signed on to a "Call to Action" about the war in Darfur joining many Jewish groups that was sent to President Bush and all members of Congress.

Cultural center

The synagogue has hosted various innovative exhibits. In 2006 it hosted an exhibit on "the theme of 'Jewish women and prayer'", about which the Star Tribune noted:
The synagogue hosts significant debates, such as hosting the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota that co-organized a debate with CNN's Crossfire hosts Paul Begala and Tucker Carlson in 2004.
The synagogue has hosted lectures in conjunction with the University of Minnesota, such as by Avivah Zornbert of the London School of Jewish Studies during 2006.