Addy Joaquín Coldwell

Addy Cecilia Joaquín Coldwell is a Mexican politician from Cozumel, Quintana Roo.
Her brother Pedro Joaquín Coldwell is a former Governor of Quintana Roo. During her brother's governorship she served as president of the DIF in Quintana Roo, then when her husband Edmundo Fernández was the mayor of Benito Juárez, Quintana Roo, she served as municipal first lady and president of the DIF.
Joaquín Coldwell is a former member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party. She has served in the Chamber of Deputies and in the Senate.
In 1998 she tried to obtain her party's candidacy to the governorship of Quintana Roo for the 1999 elections but lost against Joaquín Ernesto Hendricks Díaz. In 2004 after losing again the PRI candidacy for the 2005 elections she broke with the PRI and ran for the governorship as the candidate of the National Action Party and Convergence. She lost to the PRI candidate Félix González Canto. In the general election of 2 July 2006, she was elected to the Chamber of Deputies for the PAN, representing the Third Circumscription via proportional representation.