Adib Ishaq

Adib Ishaq was an important literary figure of nineteenth-century Egypt.
Born in Damascus, he was enrolled at a Lazarists' school, where he studied Arabic and French. He left school before he was even twelve years old to meet his family's needs by working at the customs house. This experience would make him proficient in Turkish as well. At the age of fifteen, Ishaq joined his father in Beirut to work for the postal office. He later found work in the Beirut customs house, but his passion for writing pushed him towards journalism; he contributed to Al-Taqaddum. He moved to Egypt in 1876. He became a disciple of Jamal al-Din al-Afghani after meeting him in Cairo.
In 1879, he founded the Parisian journal Misr al-Qahira with the help of Abdallah Marrash.
He died at his summer estate in Hadath.