Adventurers (Seventh-day Adventist)

The Adventurer Club is a program for young children created by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 1972, similar to Scouting.
Inspired by its "older brother", the Pathfinder Club, the Adventurer Club is a program focused on education of children aged 6–9 years with additional sections for children ages 4 and 5.


The club was founded in 1972. In 1988, the invited interested associations and experts in children to study and improve the design of the Adventurer Club. A committee met a year later to update the curriculum and specialties, and establish standards for the organization and how the club should function. Leaders participating in this work included Sabbath School Children, educators, Children's Ministry Coordinators, and other experts in family and early childhood education.
In 1991, the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Church authorized a global program, setting goals, curriculum, flag, uniform and ideals.
Based on work by the Florida Conference the Adventurer Club program has now been expanded to cover:
The names of the levels may vary in different languages and regions. For example, in the South Pacific Division, where there are no native beavers, the level for 5 year old children is called Little Fish instead.