Aerides multiflora

Aerides multiflora, the multi-flowered aerides, is a species of orchid, native to Southeast Asia, the Coromandel Coast, and Bangladesh.

Synonymy and confusion

In 1820, William Roxburgh published a description of Aerides multiflora. In 1882, João Barbosa Rodrigues published a description of a very different plant under the name of Epidendrum geniculatum. Eight years later, in 1890, Joseph Dalton Hooker published a description of an orchid now recognized as Aerides multiflora Roxb. and named it Epidendrum geniculatum. Thus, Epidendrum geniculatum Barb.Rodr. is a very different taxon from Epidendrum geniculatum Hook.f., a synonym for Aerides multiflora Roxb., the subject of this article.