
AfriLabs is a pan-African network organisation of over 150 Innovation centers across 40 African countries. Each hub serves as a meeting point for entrepreneurs, technologists, investors, tech companies and web/mobile engineers in its community. AfriLabs provides a network for technology and innovation centers across Africa to network, collaborate and share knowledge. Beyond connecting hubs across Africa, AfriLabs partners with developmental and corporate organizations to organize capacity building programs and initiatives physically and virtually for tech hubs and their communities.


2011-2013: Establishment.

AfriLabs was founded in 2011 to build a community around the rapidly emerging tech hubs in Africa. AfriLabs was founded with 5 hubs Nailab Kenya, iHub Kenya, HiveColab Uganda, Activ Spaces Cameroun and Banta Labs Senegal and had her first gathering in the launching of IHub. In 2012, AfriLabs was formally registered in the Netherlands as a foundation and hired its first Executive Director in November. AfriLabs also partnered with Indigo Trust and Hivos. In 2013, AfriLabs laid out strategic priorities and went into partnership with Microsoft 4Afrika and the Rockefeller Foundation. AfriLabs also got involved with the World Bank InfoDev ‘Virtual Incubation project and added 5 more hubs to its network from East Africa.

2014-2016: Transition.

In 2014, AfriLabs had its second global meetup in Berlin. AfriLabs also collaborated with The Rockefeller Foundation to launch a Digital jobs challenge. AfriLabs Launches1st Collaboration Challenge with support from Microsoft4Afrika and initiated the hub sustainability challenge with AfriHIve. In 2015, AfriLabs had its first African meetup in Egypt. OSIWA carried out an assessment in partnership with the organization to explore hubs as creative spaces. AfriLabs hosted a sustainability workshop, 'Hub in a box'. while the official AfriLabs website was created, branding was carried out. AfriLabs launches 'social media takeover' for members and launched capacity building partnership with MBA programs.
In 2016, AfriLabs transitioned its secretariat assets to Abuja, registered as a non-profit in Nigeria, expanded the administrative team- secretariat, launched its corporate affiliate program with and Facebook, went into partnership with Making All Voices Count which resulted in the AfriLabs Annual Gathering, organizational support, the development of a virtual learning platform and regional Hub City meet ups in Dakar, Johannesburg, Cairo, Lagos and Nairobi. The first African Annual Gathering took place in Accra, Ghana.

2017: 2nd Annual Gathering.

In March, AfriLabs held its first Virtual Board Election and elected new board members into the team. On April AfriLabs in collaboration with Microsoft hosted a free technical training for startups and entrepreneurs in Lagos, Nigeria. On July, AfriLabs and ICT4SI partnered to host their first West African social innovation workshop in Abuja, Nigeria. In August, AfriLabs had its first Hubs Learning Week which was sponsored by MAVC. In October, The Annual Gathering took place in Cairo, Egypt - hosted by the District and co-organized by Hivos and AfriLabs. In November, TNE in collaboration with AfriLabs organized the Supersize the Valley Conference themed "Changing the Paradigm: from individual to ecosystem". This training was focused on the use of Microsoft's Azure and BizSpark platforms and how they can be used to improve technology based businesses.

AfriLabs Team

Board members

The current Board Chair is Rebecca Enonchong. She is also the Board Chair of Activ Spaces, Cameroun. The Board team members include; Bernard Chira, Rakotoarivo Noharintsafidy Sarobidy, Regina Mbodg, and Nekesa Were.

Advisory board

AfriLabs advisory board consists of Michael Oluwagbemi, Seye Bassir, Bart Lacroix, Jon Gosier, Erik Hersman, Bill Zimmerman, Ben White.


AfriLabs Annual Gathering

The AfriLabs Annual Gathering annually focuses on trending tech hub practices, local innovators and innovative solutions to relevant African issues. In order to key into the African integration agenda, the regional development or political organization at the hosting country will be fully involved. The Annual Gathering provides a unique opportunity for members and other stakeholders to convene, learn the latest hub insights, and build partnerships between and with hubs.

AfriLabs Hubs Learning Week

AfriLabs Hubs Learning week was launched in August 2017 and it consisted of five virtual workshops on capacity building in the form of webinars for hub managers. The Hubs Learning week in 2017 was part of the Manjaro Virtual Learning Platform Initiative sponsored by Making All Voices Count. It is a capacity building virtual workshop that empowers hub managers and staff with requisite and formal incubation management training and skills needed to start, operate and expand hubs/innovation centers in Africa.